Monday, March 28, 2011


I know I haven't updated in a LONG time, but I really don't have the time. (nor do I feel like anything I blog about is that important, haha) Sorry for that. But lately I have been dealing with an internal conflict. Has anyone else dealt with an internal conflict? Where you feel as if no one understands? Kinda like life just isn't the same and your constantly fighting your own thoughts and self? It's probably the worst conflict i've dealth with & is the hardest to overcome. To explain how I felt, I wrote a poem about it.

Its tug
Its war
Its fire
Its work
Its up
Its down
Its here
Its there
Its good
Its bad
Its happy
Its sad
Its stressed
Its calm
Its lost
Its found
That's me.

This isn't one of my best, but its just how I feel. I was doing some reading lately and came upon some other poems about conflict. I'll share some.