Monday, September 27, 2010


Why do we strive for perfection? Why do we try for physical or impossible perfections? Is it because we set our bars too high? Do we only want the best? Can we not see that everyone and everything has flaws?
Is it a utopia that we dream of? Or is it a nightmare we live in hoping to escape? Why..Why do we push ourselves the limit?

I am perfect. Everything I do is perfect. She is perfect. His body is perfect. That dress is perfect. I want to be perfect.

Is perfection even possible? No. We strive for perfection for many reasons. We want the ideal image.
Why strive? It only causes stress, doubt, lack of self confidence, and so on...

We also want to "beat" others. Competition. As well as be the best internally. We think being perfect would solve everything. It won't.

Trying to be perfect, caused a huge uproar in my life. I wanted to be perfect. I wanted the best grades, body, friends, image, and so on... Mainly, I wanted to feel good as who I was. I didn't though and thats when things went bad. I did many things I regret and caused enormous amounts of damage today that i'll live with forever. I still live with one & fight it everyday. Its a struggle, but its getting better. I've learned from my mistakes and came to a realistic view of life and myself. Perfection is no long what I want. It's something I try to stray away from. Happiness and my eternal effort is what I want now. Something more realistic. Set your goals high, but keep realistic views in mind. Keep your head high and know perfection doesn't exist. Only God achieves that.

Why not just be happy with your life? Be satisfied. Just try your best. Nothing is perfect. Learn from your mistakes and move on. Life's a journy with many winding roads, just try your best to stay on track and follow the right route. Everything happens for a reason.

Tata for now.

Annabella Zee (:

1 comment:

  1. But what is perfection? Who sets the bar for perfection? if the sense of perfection isnt set, then there is no such thing as perfection....therefore, no one could be perfect, as it doesn't exist. No one can strive for perfection until it is set. What if perfection was chunky, with curly frizzy hair that never stays put? What if it was horn-rimmed glasses with a slight crack in the lense? What if perfection were a scar on your cheek? What if perfection were straight hair with a body with curves and beautiful clothes? What if it were colored contacts and blonde highlights?
    Who says that this is perfection? Who says it isnt?
